
Your bike rental in Algund

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A time out with a sense of home

Your second living room: Hotel Mühlbacherhof in Algund, South Tyrol

At the Mühlbacherhof you won't spend your holiday at some anonymous club hotel in South Tyrol, but with the Tschenett-Höllrigl family. We want you to enjoy a holiday with us in which you want for nothing, but in which nothing is too much. Marathon-length hotel corridors? Not here. Instead, we have cosy places to retreat, comfortable reading corners and homely dining rooms. Our hotel in Algund is not only a retreat, but also a starting point. We are located in the middle of the garden village between the nature and the spa town. So you're never far from what makes you happy.

Alte Landstrasse 19

+39 0473 44 85 82

Anfragen & buchen

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